Marie Florence Musa

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How about changing perspective ?

“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude”

Maya Angelou

Lets’ go for it!

Rock, paper, scissors

to the rescue

I had placed a number of small objects in front of me. I watched them one by one, without hurrying, waiting patiently, or perhaps hoping, that inspiration would come to me.

. . .

Rocks collected from the shore of a lake. Beautiful handmade paper. A pair of scissors received as a gift.

. . .

Yes! Why not? Rock-Paper-Scissors!

This would be my theme to make a series of photos, reflecting mainly on their composition.


For a few hours, I got lost in simple gestures, manipulating these few objects without thinking too much, placing them, moving them, replacing them, turning them over in all directions, keeping them in balance... or not... . And then, because I found each of the composition to have its’ unique charm and didn’t want to choose only one of them, I thought it would be fun to make a collage with some of the pictures taken during the day.

It was only once in front of the finished product that I thought of the idea of change, sometimes difficult to accept (when you didn't choose it) and sometimes difficult to provoke (when fear paralyses you). I wondered if, in the end, the process would not be made easier by approaching it as I had done with my few subjects of the day: without any assurances as to the final result (because there can’t be any) and without any preconceived idea of what it will be (to leave room for the unexpected), by accepting that it’s a question not of starting from scratch, but of taking the pieces of a deconstructed reality, or one that’s no longer suitable, and placing them, moving them, replacing them, turning them over, patiently, again and again, until they each find their new place and form a harmonious whole once again. . .


Marie Florence

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