Paying Tribute Through Photography
My camera is the tool I use to shed light on creatives like you and on your work. I wish to study and help you spread the word on how and where you create, on what inspires you and on your journey to get to where you are. Most of all, I wish to pay tribute to your creativity, creations, knowhow and wisdom.
Whether you create delicious and beautiful food in your fields or in your kitchens, whether you create unique handmade objects, decor or art pieces, whether you use natures’ gifts to design bouquets, fashion or furniture, whether your creation is a restaurant or boutique, whether your goal is to draw on ancient techniques or not, whether your intent is to embellish the world, be thought provoking or both… you all deeply fascinate and inspire me.
My aim is for my photography to be authentic, organic, elegant and full of emotions. My most sincere wish is to create for you images that help you advance on your creative path and that convey my profound admiration for all of you who take the time and dedicate your lives to making ours more beautiful and meaningful.
My vision for this space is to share my own thoughts and creative spirit with you in order to together, dig deeper below the surface of an image and to allow ones’ self to be touched and moved by the emotions behind the photography.
“To photograph is to put in the same line of sight the head, the eye and the heart.”

What’s my approach?
Simple: marked by respect, collaboration, exchanges, creativity, seriousness, but also pleasure and a good mood!
I always make sure to take the time necessary to define with my clients their needs, objectives and expectations…
When I take out my camera, it’s with the objective of working on a project that has by then become also mine and whose success I wish as much as my clients.
Throughout the process, I have only one goal: the creation, in a stimulating environment, of images that are both beautiful and useful to help my clients carry out their projects and make their dreams come true...
I love food! I love looking at it, eating it and taking pictures of it (the Food photography as we call it)! Whether you are a chef, restaurant owner or producer, know that I make it a point of honor to take photographs of your creations that entice viewers to want only one thing: find a way to savour your food, your dishes or any other creation that delights our taste buds...
I take real pleasure in creating and photographing scenery (still life or life style types) to highlight beautiful objects, especially those made by hand! Whether your mode of expression is silk scarves, soaps, handbags, hats, interior design, furniture... Don’t hesitate to contact me; it would be a real joy to help spread the word about your creations...
I have a deep respect for artists of all kinds and a sincere admiration for the creative process and creations in general. Whether you need photos for your website, for an exhibition, to be seen at work or for any other reason, you can be confident that I always approach this type of mandate with the real concern to honor your work..
Telling stories of individuals, places, objects, projects... through my photos (visual story telling as it’s called) is something I really enjoy. It’s a great way to make wonderful encounters and discoveries and share them in photographic accounts. Are you looking to publish this type of story in a blog, magazine or book? Contact me to discuss your project. This could be the beginning of a great creative adventure….